Virginia AHPERD_Summer 2023

T able of C ontents

The Virginia Journal Editorial Board

Jamie Best Avita Health System Robert Case Old Dominion University Rodney Gaines Hampton University Melissa Grim Radford University Kenny Harrah Warm Hearth Village Jay Johnson Virginia Military Institute Brandon Kimble Virginia State University Matthew D. Lucas Longwood University April Moore Dublin Elementary

Volume 44, Number 1

Summer 2023

Sport Management Accreditation: Past, Present, and Future Directions . ............2 Social Benefits of Recess for Students with Conduct Disorder . ..........................5 Best Practices for Planning Evening Events: Implementing the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model through Family and Community Nights ............................................................................7 Implementing Social and Emotional Learning into Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child: Strategies for Success ..................................10 Students with Non-Verbal Autism in Recess ......................................................14 “Full Steam Ahead” Fostering STEAM Education for Ettrick Early Learning Center ..................................................................................................16 The Benefits of Facilitated Recess Activities For Students With Down Syndrome ........................................................................................18

Michael Moore Editor Radford University

Executive Director Maria McKeown

Virginia AHPERD President - Donna Wilbur

President-Elect - Danielle Christian Past President - Megan McLaughlin

The opinions of the contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the attitude or views of Virginia AHPERD, its officers, or the editor of this Journal. Virginia AHPERD does not discriminate in this or any other of its programs on the basis of color, religion, age, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or handicap.

SUMMER 2023 • Virginia AHPERD • 1

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