Virginia AHPERD_Fall2023

of the team know what they are supposed to do, they can be better prepared to do what is needed for the success of the fundraiser. When this is done correctly, the staff will be eager to buy in be cause they know what they need to contribute to the fundraiser. Getting the community to buy in to the school fundraiser is es sential because the initiative is geared towards them. The commu nity will be a key part in development of the fundraiser because they can offer their unique viewpoint to what is needed to im prove the program or school situation. The community will also be more willing to buy in if they are educated on the topic of the fundraiser. To increase the value of the fundraiser in the commu nity, the developers of the fundraiser should give the community a role and a position in the fundraiser. By involving the community in the fundraiser, they will become part of the movement bringing the desirable change. When these two stakeholders are educated in the workings of the fundraiser, know their role, and how to play that role, their sense of ownership increases in the school fundraiser. Being a part of the decision-making process and implementation of the fundraiser will allow both the community and school to build a deeper connection with the fundraiser. Another way that these

stakeholders could increase their ownership would be to use the school staff and community to evaluate the initiative when it is going on and after it has finished. This would allow the developer of the initiative to make the adjustments needed to better serve the target population. These two stakeholders hold a lot of power to influence the school initiative’s development, delivery approach, and maintenance. Conclusion Fundraising can be a lot of work but when your energy is direct ed in meaningful ways the outcomes can be program and school changing. Fundraising can take many different forms so don’t be afraid to try something a little different and to most of all have fun. References Barhyte, D. M. (2020). Stress-less fundraising. http://www.child Little, P. (2011). School-community learning partnerships: Essen tial to expand learning success. https://www.expandinglearn partnerships-essential-expanded-learning-success

FALL 2023 • Virginia AHPERD • 7

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