
Conclusion Recess provides an important time for students to form social relationships with others and practice recreation-type activities at recess. The authors have presented a variety of recess modifications for a student with SPD after describing the disorder in detail. Hopefully, some of these modifications will be useful to the reader. Disclaimer: This manuscript is for informational purposes only. The information provided in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. References Arky, B. (2021). Sensory processing issues explained. Child Mind Institute . Retrieved January13, 2022, from https:// Arky, B. (2021). How sensory processing issues affect kids in school. Child Mind Institute. Retrieved December 27, 2021, from issues-affect-kids-in-school/ Binder, L. (2021). Look again: Making friends with Sensory processing disorder. New York Bank Street College of Education . Retrieved December 28, 2021, from (pages 16-19) Borkowska, A. R. (2017). Sensory processing disorders diagnostic and therapeutic controversies. Current Issues in Personality Psychology , 5 (3), 196–205. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Key findings: Autism symptoms among children enrolled in the study to explore early development. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Retrieved January 9, 2022, from autism-symptoms-children-enrolled-in-seed.html Comorbidity. Sensory processing. Star Institute (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2022, from Cosbey, J., Johnston, S., and Dunn L. (2011). Playground behaviors of children with and without Sensory Processing Disorders. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR) : Thousand Island, CA. Kovar, S., Combs, C., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., & Worrell, V. (2012). Elementary classroom teachers as movement educators (4th Ed.). McGraw-Hill: Boston, MA. Galiana-Simal, A, Vela-Romero, M, Romero-Vela, V. M., Oliver Tercero, N, García-Olmo, V, Javier Benito-Castellanos, P,

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