
(initial game playing – answer and question time - practice task - game playing) - they diminished off-task-time, and transition (Gubacs-Collins & Olsen, 2010). Furthermore, combining TGA with SEM enable teachers to reduce the pressure about class management and additional instructional time devotion (Gubacs Collins & Olsen, 2010). Especially, beginning in-service teachers can benefit more in that they are still developing their content knowledge more in depth as well as pedagogical content knowledge (Gubacs-Collins & Olsen, 2010). Conclusion There are diverse pedagogical practices and curriculummodels to teach students in PE classes. Students will have different understanding and skill level in performing sports. Tactical Games Approach (TGA) is centered on tactical awareness which promote understanding in the context of gamy playing for students and research continuously reported the effectiveness of TGA to teach sports in PE across elementary to secondary level children. TGA is evidence-based curriculum and effective tool to instruct sports and game playing in PE for students. This paper summarized the basic components and framework of TGA, research evidence in relation to utilize TGA and then discussed several ideas to use TGA more practically. References Almond, L. (2015). Rethinking teaching games for understanding. Agora for PE and Sport, 1, 15-25. Butler, J. (1996). Teacher responses to teaching games for understanding. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67 (9), 17–20. Carpenter, E. J. (2010). The tactical games model sport experience: An examination of student motivation and game performance during an ultimate frisbee unit (Doctoral dissertation). University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Chatzipanteli, A., Digelidis, N., Karatzoglidis, C., & Dean, R. (2016). A tactical-game approach and enhancement of metacognitive behaviour in elementary school students. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21 (2),169–184. Dorak, F., Yildiz, L., Canpolat, A. M., YA., Yüzbasioglu, Y., & Vurgun, N (2018). A comparison of the tactical game approach and the direct teaching models in the teaching of handball: cognitive-psychomotor field and game performance. World Journal of Education , 8 (3),76-85. Gubacs-Collins, K. (2007). Implementing a tactical approach through action research. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 12 (2), 1-22. Gubacs-Collins, K. & Olsen, E.B. (2010). Implementing a tactical games approach with sport education a Chronicle. The sport education tactical model. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 81 (3), 36-42. Gouveia, É.R., Gouveia, B.R., Marques, A., Kliegel, M., Rodrigues, A. J., Prudente, J., Lopes, He., & Andreas, I.

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