rection of misalignment of bones is an option, but this is done to simply address pain, which will likely return (John Hopkins Medical , n.d., para. 4). Importance of Physical Education for Students with Enchondroma Disorders Physical Education, with safe modifications, is of the utmost importance for students with Enchondroma Disorders, regardless of age or grade level. Physical Education helps students develop their motor skills through activities, promotes cooperation and competition, and improves a student’s overall wellness (Kovar, 2012). For students with Enchondroma Disorders, this may be more difficult, as a key symptom of the disorder is mobility limitations. However, it is still possible. Appropriate activities can be implemented to gain the benefits of including students with MHE in activities done with the entire class. A discussion with the student’s doctor would be ideal but teachers should send a list of planned activities to the home and let the parents note what is acceptable. Remember, one disorder can have different symptoms on different children.
Zecchin-Oliveira, a researcher, professor, and PhD student at Ribeirão Preto Medical School (USP-FMRP) states: “It is already understood that physical exercise promotes pain improvement and prevents /treats plenty of diseases, such as: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthrosis, type II diabetes, obesity, among others [26-30]. Studies involving large populations have shown that physically active indi viduals have a significant decrease in the risk of developing chronic pain [31,32]” (Zecchin-Oliveira, 2020). This shows the sheer importance of physical exercise, especially for students with disorders such as Multiple Hereditary Exostosis, where chronic pain is a common symptom. Physical Education Activities for Students with Multiple Hereditary Exostosis Physical activities for individuals with MHE should take into consideration intensity for a variety of reasons including safety. Please note, needs will vary from student to student; the authors are just noting the common issues with suggestions. Each child needs to be evaluated based on their personal characteristics.
Suggested Potential Appropriate Activities Based on the Pain Threshold
Suggested Potential Appropriate Activities Based on the Pain Threshold
How the Child is Feeling Before Class
Potential Activities for Students with MHE
How the Child is Feeling Before Class
Potential Activities for Students with MHE
Student enters class with a Higher Level of Pain
• Rolling a light ball • Stretching • Yoga • Rolling a light ball • Stretching • Yoga • Kickball • Playing Horse • Four Square
Student enters class with a Higher Level of Pain
• Jogging • Fencing • Badminton • Dancing • Walking • Hula Hoops • Kickball • Playing Horse • Four Square • Jogging • Fencing • Badminton
Student enters class with a Moderate Level of Pain
Student enters class with a Moderate Level of Pain
• Tennis • Wiffle Ball • Volleyball • Danci g • Walking • Hula Hoops
Student enters class with No or Lower Level of Pain
• Running • Sprinting • Basketball • Tenn s • Wiffle Ball • Volleyball
Student enters class with No or Lower Level of
• Running • Sprinting • Basketball
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