National Tire Research Center: Advancing Tire Design and the Economy

VTTI has also moved into the realm of tire testing with the opening of the National Tire Research Center located in Al ton, Va. Designed to serve as an advanced tire research center and test facility, this unique initiative offers a level and breadth of research, development, and testing currently unavailable anywhere else for automotive and tire manufacturers. “Tire research, development testing, economic growth, and job creation in Southern Virginia is our mission,” said Frank Della Pia, center director. “We are dedicated to advancing the tools critical for research and development of tires and how

they relate to vehicle performance and energy loss.” The center encompasses the Southern Virginia Vehicle Motion Labs, which features: • An $11.5 million force-and-moment machine (LTRe) created for passenger-car, light-truck, and motorsport tires. The LTRe is a superior product representing a transformational leap in technology by offering at least twice the capability in major performance areas across current tire test machines. • An 8-post Test Rig, Wheel Force Transducers, and two of Cruden’s Simulators. When combined, these tools ad dress virtual components prior to conducting real-world ride and handling tests on the adjacent Virginia Interna tional Raceway world-class circuit and designated local roads. Using this technology, researchers are pursuing the applica tion of innovative materials and design to create a super tire. This tire can adjust on the fly with the car and road without sacrificing wear or traction and can increase fuel efficiency, potentially saving billions of gallons of fuel annually. The National Tire Research Center will create additional research and funding opportunities for vehicle manufacturers, tire manufacturers, the motorsports industry, local educa tional institutions, and government agencies. Transportation industry engineers and scientists will continue to work to gether to conduct research and testing that enable the indus try to more rapidly introduce vehicles with newly developed technology. It is expected that the innovative capabilities offered by the National Tire Research Center will attract other companies in the automotive or racing industries to locate in the South ern Virginia region. A study projected that the National Tire Research Center will have an economic impact of $147 million on the Southern Virginia region during its initial 10 years of operation, creating 183 jobs in the region by 2020. Global customers are already joining regional industry leaders coming to Southern Virginia to see this facility and to tap into the unique capabilities offered.

Frank Della Pia, director of the National Tire Research Center photo by LoganWallace



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