
Updates onWinningTeams of Past Global Entrepreneurship Challenge Semifinals Events Heyo , winner of the 2011 Student Business Concept Competition: Heyo was acquired byVotigo on January 4, 2016. Votigo is a leading social media marketing and promotions company with a Software-as-a-Service platform that supports premium, full-service solutions and easy-to-use self-service tools for brands and their agencies including Live Nation, Sharpie,Walmart, Hyundai,AccuWeather,Air Canada, Nutrisystem, and Starwood Hotels & Resorts. YouFolio , winner of the 2012 Student Business Concept Competition:YouFolio built an online portfolio plat- form used for personal branding and recruiting.  The company raised seed funding in the summer of 2013 and launched in January 2014.  In June 2015YouFolio was acquired by a SaaS company inVienna,Virginia, called Sherpa, which helps companies increase employee referrals and reduce attrition. PureAir , winner of the 2013 Student Business Concept Competition:The company is pursuing a more accurate asthmatic and COPD inhaler by incorporating active feedback technology. It is currently moving to high fidelity functional prototypes and testing in preparation for patient testing. Vestigo , winner of the 2014 Student Business Concept Competition:The company is pursuing a partnership with Streetline to bring parking availability sensors and predictive analytics toVirginia Tech. Calbico , winner of the 2015 Student Business Concept Competition:The Calbico semi-automatic rifle and pistol cleaning tool was featured at Brownells booth during the 2016 SHOT Show, the largest gun show in the nation held annually in Las Vegas. Calbico has continued to expand on the internet now being sold on Brownells, Amazon, and LaRue Tactical along with multiple other online vendors. The company is continuing to contact large chain manufacturers and gain contacts that way. Their product was featured by USCCA in October 2015: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/gear-love-october-2015/.

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