
Brown Edwards is a locally‐owned, regional public accoun�ng rm with nine offices in Virginia,  West Virginia and Tennessee and 300 professionals, including over 125 CPAs, to serve our  clients.  The rm is recognized among the Top 125 public accoun�ng rms in the na�on by  industry media.   Going beyond the expected accoun�ng and tax compliance services, we offer consul�ng in  areas to meet the following specialized needs which challenge emerging businesses on the  path to business success.   Tax accounƟng for intangible assets in business transacƟons  Strategic accounƟng for the commercializaƟon of intellectual property  Tax accounƟng for research costs & applicaƟon for Federal and Virginia research credits  Tax cost accounƟng for the producƟon income exclusion and for inventory capitalizaƟon requirements  Real estate cost segregaƟon analyses to maximize depreciaƟon recovery of your investment  Virginia Enterprise Zone Grant planning and compliance  MulƟͲstate income tax strategies and compliance

1715 Pra� Drive, Ste. 2700  Blacksburg, VA  24060

(540) 443‐3606  www.BEcpas.com


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