twelve volunteer fire departments in the county graduated that evening, having earned certifications from the National Fire Protection Association Standards 1001 (Firefighter I and II), and 473 (Hazardous Materials First Responder at the Operations Level), as well as the American Heart Association in CPR, and the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians as Emergency Medical Technicians – Basic (Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services certified, NREMT-test completion pending). Congratulations to these members who achieved qualification as minimum staffing for the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department! • Participated in the spring VSFA Executive Committee, held on March 30, 2019 at the Church of the Brethren in Charlottesville Virginia • Participated in an FRV Planning Committee meeting, held on April 13, 2019, at VAVRS headquarters in Oilville, Virginia. Meeting activities are documented elsewhere in the 2018-2019 Red Book. • Participated in an FRV Planning Committee meeting, held on May 5, 2019, at VAVRS headquarters in Oilville, Virginia. Meeting activities are documented elsewhere in the 2018-2019 Red Book. • Marketed the upcoming FRV Conference to vendors at the annual Lancaster County Firemen’s Association Fire EXPO on May 19, 2019. The EXPO was held at the State Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where contacts were provided to more than 100 businesses to encourage them to participate in the exhibit hall at the conference this year. • Represented the VSFA at the graduation ceremony for students participating in the Fairfax County Public Schools High School Firefighter Career Studies Program. The ceremony was held on May 30, 2019 at the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Academy. Daily during the school year, these students travelled from across the county for a minimum of five hours of training, then spent more time engaged in activities including physical training, apparatus and tool maintenance, hose loading, and upkeep of their educational facilities. These students received certificates for successfully completing the National Fire Protection Associations Standards 1001 (Firefighter I and II) and 473 (Hazardous Materials First Responder at the Operations Level). Almost all the students were seniors and attended graduation ceremonies for their high schools in the next few weeks. These students expressed interest in pursuing careers as firefighters or using their new skills in life.
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