
Virginia State Firefighters Association 2018 EMS Contest Results

First Place: Boiling Springs

Second Place: Hot Springs

Team Members

Team Members

1. Elizabeth Martin 2. Kristen Tucker 3. Shannon Weikle 4. Brenda Wilcher

1 . Rodger Hazelwood 2 . Brian Smith 3 . Kelby Smith 4 . Allison Williams

Third Place: Christiansburg Team Members

1. Aaron Cox 2. Forest Redd 3. Jennifer Redd 4. Mark Smith

Thank you to the following: Judges



Sandy Byer Lisa Horton

Ken Brown

Gavin Boyd Kaitlyn Tucker

Robbie Harmon

Ken Martin Kevin Meredith Dwaine Paxton Amber Snider

Team Transporters

Moulage Lisa Horton

Leona Horton

Geneiveve Simmons

Special thanks to Warren Winner, Mark Vermeern and Kevin Duck with Chesterfield Insurers who sponsored the VSFA EMS Contest by providing the trophies and T-Shirts for everyone who participated in some form with this year’s EMS Contest.

Respectively submitted by: Sandy Byer, EMS Committee


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