
C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Data\VSFA\2018 Conference\Copy of Copy of VFIS Truck Rodeo Event 2018 VSFA 1 of 2

11:40 Sara Baker Covington St. 2 130 50 220 10 20 40 10 1 481 5 51 05:51 13:52 11:50 Aaron Simmons Co. 8 0 10 103 0 0 40 10 3 166 4 13 04:13 06:59

10:50 Susie Ratcliff Blacksburg St. 1 20 40 103 0 0 50 10 1 224 4 15 04:15 07:59 11:00 Jeremy Snider Blacksburg St. 2 0 10 103 0 0 50 10 6 179 5 6 05:06 08:05

9:10 Ricky Price Blacksburg St. 2 110 10 140 93 0 40 6 1 400 4 39 00:00 06:40 9:20 Forest Redd Christiansburg 20 10 40 0 20 20 10 2 122 3 12 03:12 05:14 9:30 Jason Milburn Blacksburg St. 2 80 40 30 20 0 40 10 1 221 3 52 03:52 07:33 9:40 Greg Horton Covington St. 1 130 10 30 0 0 50 10 3 233 4 28 04:28 08:21 9:50 Link Sheppard Christiansburg 110 40 46 0 0 63 76 2 337 4 28 04:28 10:05 10:00 Steve McGuire Riner 180 40 166 63 10 80 10 4 553 4 39 04:39 13:52 10:10 David Thompson Manasass 190 50 126 0 0 70 10 6 452 5 1 05:01 12:33 10:20 Brian Garner Wythe 120 10 140 0 0 50 20 4 344 3 37 03:37 09:21 10:30 Kara Cary Manasass 210 50 180 40 20 50 10 3 563 6 1 06:01 15:24 10:40 Denny West Smithfield 0 00:00

12:30 Nicole Simmons BSFD 70 10 96 0 70 50 3 4 303 5 22 05:22 10:25 12:40 0 00:00

Penalty Virginia State Firefighters Association 2018 Truck Rodeo Penalty Points by Station Time on Course Totals Start Time Driver's Name Fire Department County S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Test TOTAL MM SS Time Score a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Sort 9:00 00:00 Time w/o Penalties Overall Time


12:10 Timmy Wolfe BSFD 10 6 0 0 0 20 6 3 45 4 4 04:04 04:49

12:00 Mark Wolfe BSFD 10 3 0 0 20 20 6 3 62 3 34 03:34 04:36

11:10 Marshall Keller Northampton Fire Co. 10 33 80 0 0 20 10 5 158 5 31 05:31 08:09 11:20 Ross Helminetoller Covington St. 1 40 10 80 10 0 20 10 3 173 3 16 03:16 06:09 11:30 Andrew Baker Covington St. 2 0 6 60 0 0 20 6 2 94 4 50 04:50 06:24

12:20 Doug Persinger BSFD 30 10 30 0 10 40 10 3 133 3 38 03:38 05:51



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