
That post-harvest quality is especially important to consumers, particularly those who set up a Christmas tree dur- ing Thanksgiving week and leave it up through New Year’s and into Jan- uary. “Firs have good post-harvest quality,” Chastagner said. “That quality is re- ally important, particularly as the in- dustry faces consumers wanting to buy trees early and have them last a long time, not shedding is extremely important.” Chal Landgren, a Christmas tree spe- cialist with Oregon State University, said the post-harvest qualities of Turkish and Trojan fir show promise. “They have great needle retention as long as they’ve had a good couple of freezing episodes before harvest,” Landgren said. Another upshot of the Turkish and Trojan firs is they stand up well to

Phytophthora root rot. Phytophthora root rot exists in wet soils and moves from root to root, “the water mold ac- tually produce spores that swim like sperm, they have tails,” explained Bert Cregg, a research specialist at Michigan State University. Phytophthora can show up in a variety of soils, which is especially problem- atic in New England where the soil types changes frequently, Cowles said. “Any field over an acre has more than one soil type,” he said. For the Connecticut sites, the trees were planted in areas “where you’d never in your right mind plant fir trees,” Cowles said with a laugh. “We found sites that were horrible: wet and heavy soil, water pooling in the bot- tom of the hole.” “If anything can survive under those conditions, you have something super special,” Cowles said. The Turkish and Trojans have survived, but they

Trial seedlings are sorted and tagged “The trend in the tree industry is that true firs have increased tremendously, we’ve seen a big increase in Fraser and Noble firs, those account for at least 70 percent of the U.S. produc- tion of Christmas trees,” Chastagner said. “When you look at those species and why there is such a demand for those species, it is largely because of post-harvest quality and stiffness of branches, being able to hold orna- ments and having a really nice high- quality foliage.”

Ad – Bosch’s Countryview Nursery

10785 84th Avenue • Allendale, Michigan 49401 Phone: (616) 892-4090 • Fax: (616) 892-4290 Email:

Wholesale Price List for 2019 Quality Seedlings & Transplants

Per 100

Per 1,000

Per 100

Per 1,000

Per 100

Per 1,000













FRASER FIR (2-2, PL+2) (2-2, PL+2) (P+2, P+3) BALSAM FIR (2-1, P+1) (2-2, P+2) (P+2, P+3) CANAAN FIR (2-1, P+1) (P+2) (P+2, P+3)

WHITE SPRUCE - Lake States (2-0, 3-0) 9-15”

WHITE PINE - Lake States (2-0, 3-0) 6-12”

8-15” 10-18” 12-22”

$135.00 $145.00 $155.00

$900.00 $980.00 $1050.00

$65.00 $100.00 $125.00

$225.00 $690.00 $790.00

$65.00 $95.00 $110.00

$275.00 $690.00 $790.00


12-18” 15-24”


6-12” 10-16”

(2-1, 2-2)

(2-1, 3-1)

SCOTCH PINE - Scothighland + French (2-0, 3-0) 9-15” $75.00

NORWAY SPRUCE - Lake States (2-0, 3-0) 9-15”

8-14” 10-18” 12-22”

$95.00 $125.00 $135.00

$650.00 $850.00 $900.00


$65.00 $110.00 $125.00

$225.00 $690.00 $850.00


12-18” 15-24”

WHITE CEDAR (2-0, 3-0)

(2-1, 2-2)

6-12” 8-15” 15-24”

$65.00 $95.00 $145.00

$275.00 $650.00


(2-1) (2-2)

8-14” 10-18” 12-22”

$115.00 $145.00 $155.00

$790.00 $980.00 $1100.00

$990.00 ARBORvITAE - *EMERALD, *GREEN GIANT, TECHNY, *DARK GREEN & *PYRAMIDALIS (RC+1) 6-12” $140.00 $890.00 Started out from a rooted cutting *(P+1) 8-14” $165.00 $1500.00 Started out from a 72 cell For complete list please write or call us. Brian Bosch / Owner

$65.00 $135.00 $135.00 $145.00

$250.00 $890.00 $890.00 $990.00


8-14” 10-18” 15-24”

(2-2) (2-2)

DOUGLAS FIR - Lincoln (2-0, 3-0) 9-15”


$65.00 $100.00

$295.00 $650.00

8-14” 12-18”

$65.00 $135.00

$295.00 $890.00






5-12” 8-14” 10-18”

$65.00 $110.00 $145.00

$295.00 $760.00




(2-1, P+1) (2-2, P+2)

$1050.00 COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE - San Juan & Kiabab (2-0, 3-0) 9-15” $65.00 $225.00 (2-1, P+1) 8-14” $100.00 $650.00 (2-2, P+2) 12-18” $135.00 $890.00 (P+2, P+3) 15-24” $160.00 $1500.00

RED PINE - Lake States (2-0, 3-0) 6-14”



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