the Christmas season will serve in everyone’s best interest. If you were not able to attend the VCTGA Annual Meeting this past August in Natural Bridge, you missed a good one! Attendance was up from last year - the high- est in the past several years. A special thanks goes to VCTGA Vice President, John Carroll, and others who put together an in- formative and educational pro- gram. We were especially pleased to have several new member farms in attendance . We welcome their joining our industry and wish them all the best for their future success. We are looking at having the 2019 Annual Meeting return to Blacksburg where we will be able to call on the resources of Virginia Tech for an even more educational experience. Please pencil in on your calendars a few days in the first two weeks of Au- gust for next year’s meeting. Speaking of new farms, Paris Rasnic has an excellent com- mentary on mentoring included in this Journal. I hope you will take a little of your time to volun- teer to visit and talk with some of our new members. Nothing takes the place of experience and help- ing our new members avoid mak- ing mistakes early on which will go a long way towards their ulti- mate success as a producer. Please let Jeff Miller know if you are willing to participate. Thanks to new director Ryan Clouse for setting up a VCTGA members only Facebook page. Instructions on how to join are included in this Journal. This page
VCTGA News Journal Contributing and Coordinating Editors VDACS Support & Updates Danny Neel Grant Updates Greg Lemmer Editor in Chief - Jeff Miller Virginia Christmas Tree Growers Association Inc. 383 Coal Hollow Rd. Christiansburg, VA 24073-6721 PH: 540-382-7310 Fax: 540-382-2716 Disclaimer: Published for your information, this newsletter is not an endorsement for individual products or editorial comments. will serve as a place for members to exchange ideas, ask questions, post equipment for sale and just generally share industry infor- mation. Under the “Files” section we have already posted several documents or “white papers” that will be of interest. It is very sim- ple to join so let’s build up the participation so we have another tool for members to take ad- vantage of in growing their busi- ness. That’s all for now. Good luck this season and as always, let us know if you have any ideas on how VCTGA can better serve you…our members. Jeff Gregson, President VCTGA 2016-18 Jeff Gregson President VCTGA 2016-18
From the President
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Good day all. I hope everyone had a good summer which, for most of us, meant keeping a close eye on the weather radar and try- ing to get work done in between the rain storms. We are well into the Fall and getting everything in order for the Christmas selling season. PLEASE take a moment to read the article from the National Christmas Tree Association re- garding the tight market condi- tions for trees this season. It is important to remember that we are the face of the industry in dealing with the public and it is critical that we try as best we can to remain positive. Our customers need to be assured that everyone who wants a REAL TREE will be able to have one. Sending a posi- tive message going forward into
VCTGA News Journal ‒ Fall 2018 VCTGA News Journal – Fall 2018
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