shopping early (starting the weekend after Thanksgiving) for the best se- lection.
If all members of the industry share the same messages with media re- garding tree supply, we will be able to ensure that media coverage only includes the facts and will limit any sensationalized stories regarding a tree shortage. What is the Downside of Perpetuating the Idea of a Tree Shortage in the Media? When consumers see media coverage about a shortage of real Christmas trees they will likely think one of two things that would be harmful to the industry as a whole: 1.) That they won’t be able to find a real Christmas tree due to shortage so won’t even try or 2.) That if there is a shortage prices will be so high that they won’t be able to afford a tree Either outcome among consumers would be unfavorable to the contin- ued health of the industry, even po- tentially driving consumers to pur- chase artificial trees instead of real trees. The Facts: There is a real Christmas tree for everyone who wants one in 2018. While the supply of real Christmas trees this year is a little tight, no one needs to worry about going way empty-handed. Concerns about the availability of trees last year were unwarranted and concerns this year are unnecessary. Although the idea of a “tree short- age” may have been a popular topic of conversation in recent years, the fact is that the industry did not run out of trees in 2016, did not run out of trees in 2017 and does ot expect to run out of trees in 2018. What Consumers Need to Know: If a consumer has a specific variety or size tree in mind, we encourage
What You Can Do: The best way to ensure a healthy supply of real Christmas trees is to support tree farmers every year. With an average growing time of seven years for a typical Christmas tree, farmers need to plan their crop years in advance. By purchasing a real Christmas tree each year, you will help drive demand that ensures there will be a healthy supply of real Christmas trees in the years to come. Plus, 100 percent of real Christmas trees sold in the U.S. are farmer planted and hand-harvested right here in North America. SAMPLE MEDIA QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q: Is there a shortage of real Christmas trees this year ? A: While the supply of real Christ- mas trees this year is a little tight, no one needs to worry about going away empty-handed. Concerns about the availability of trees last year were unwarranted and concerns this year are unnecessary. We recommend shopping early (starting the weekend after Thanksgiving), especially if a consumer has a specific variety or size of tree in mind. Q: I heard there was a [hard freeze, drought, warm harvest season, etc.] that has impacted tree supply for 2018 – is this true? A: First of all, any adverse weather conditions this year would not have impact on this year’s harvestable trees. With that said, unrelated to a year’s weather conditions, it is true that there are variances in supply year-
While we know that there are some in the industry who cannot fill all orders or that there may be some buyers continuing to look for trees, we also know that when it comes to consumers purchasing a tree in 2018 there will be a tree for every con- sumer who wants one. They may need to go to a different source than they had previously visited to pur- chase a tree, but they will be able to get a tree. Therefore, there is no tree shortage in 2018. What Do We Want the Media to Say? We want the media to help us en- courage and excite consumers about purchasing real Christmas trees! Sto- ries that perpetuate the idea of a tree shortage discourage consumers from wanting to buy a real Christmas tree. Generating media coverage that en- courages consumers to shop early (starting the weekend after Thanks- giving) will help ensure those who have a specific variety or size tree in mind will encounter the best selec- tion. Why is it Important for the Entire Industry to Speak in One Voice? When it comes to tree supply or questions regarding a shortage, hav- ing all members of the industry speaking in one voice is critical to achieving an outcome of media cov- erage that will be most beneficial to the industry.
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VCTGA News Journal ‒ Fall 2018 VCTGA News Journal – Fall 2018
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