VCC Red Book 2018, 1st Edition

Inauguration Day January 13, 2018 (The following information is accurate as of Inauguration Day. Information not available in this edition will be found on )

Governor The Honorable Ralph S. Northam ( D ) Governor’s Office Third Floor Patrick Henry Building Mailing Address: 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 P 804.786.2211 Salutation: Dear Governor Northam

Lieutenant Governor The Honorable

Justin E. Fairfax ( D ) Oliver Hill Building P.O. Box 1195 Richmond, VA 23218 P 804.786.2078 Salutation: Dear Lieutenant Governor Fairfax Attorney General The Honorable Mark R. Herring ( D ) 900 East Main Street Sixth Floor Richmond, VA 23219 P 804.786-2071 Salutation: Dear Attorney General Herring


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