VCC Red Book 2018, 1st Edition


T he Sorensen Institute’s Candidate Training Program (CTP) is an intensive, four-day program focused on the fundamentals of a winning campaign for office. Participants explore the nuts and bolts of building a strong campaign from the ground up—all within the context of ethics and principled public service. Applications will be accepted through Jan. 31 at .

“ When I decided to run, I was so glad to have the CTP experience. Not only did I have classmates from both sides of the aisle cheering me on, but I also knew what steps I needed to take to navigate the election process. ” Kelly Carmichael Booz Alexandria School Board (2013–2015)

“ The program offered a wealth of insight into what it takes to run a legitimate campaign. Equally important to me was the emphasis that the Sorensen Institute places on ethical campaign conduct. A wonderful program! ” Todd D. Divers Charlottesville Commissioner of the Revenue

Save the Date

The Sorensen Institute’s 25th Anniversary Gala on April 19 in Richmond.

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