VCC Magazine Winter 2020

A ssociations AARPVirginia –804.344.3059 David DeBiasi, Alliance for Construction Excellence (ACE) Andy Porter, Chairman , 703.658.4383 Fraternal Order of Police, VA State Lodge John Ohrnberger, Speech-Language-HearingAssociation ofVirginia (SHAV) Amber Handon, President • Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education Dr. Brenda D. Long, Executive Director , 540.760.250 Virginia Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Virginia Association of Realtors Terri Suit, CEO , o) 804.249.5702 c) 804.381.1222 Martin Johnson, Senior VP of Gov. Relations , c) 804.514.9830 Anthony Reedy, VP of Political Operations , 804.249.5719 Mary Lawson, Vice-President of Legislative Affairs , 540.230.6310 Erin Barton, Deputy Legislative Counsel , 804.249.5033 Virginia Cable Telecommunications Association Ray LaMura, President , 804.780.1776 Virginia Coalition of Police and Deputy Sheriffs Chip Condon, President , 1.800.913.2727 Virginia Education Association –804.648.5801 Jim Livingston, President Kathy Burcher, Government Relations Virginia Motorcoach Association, Inc. Doug Douglas, Government Affairs , 434.376.1150 Virginia Fire Chiefs Association Scott Garber, President , 540.332.3885 Virginia Professional Fire Fighters Robert Bragg, President , 434.882.8238 Virginia School Counselor Association Emily Goodman-Scott, Chair ; Julia Taylor, Assistant Chair

The Lighter Side of Lobbying By Ken Jessup While waiting for another lobbyist, I

was standing outside the General Assembly Building, on the little plaza near the doors. The day was one of those wintry bright sunny days with a lot of glare. I was mulling over my next visit trying to think of the correct approach knowing my issue wasn’t major but still very important to my client when a man approached me. Now, I didn’t have my white cane but I was wearing the traditional dark shades and with my limited

vision I really didn’t see him until he was standing in front of me… did I mention he had a camera? Now here is where the fun begins; This nice gentleman asked if I would take a picture of his group, I explained that I wasn’t the one to do this as I have very limited vision and with the glare, I couldn’t see the group! Try as I might, for this man there was no turning back! He had picked out his victim and by golly I was to take the photo… I looked around hoping my friend would walk up and spare me the embarrassment, but alas I was on my own and decided to wing it! I was placed in front of the smiling (I think) group, given the camera and the kind gentleman even placed the camera so that there would be no way for me to make a mistake. Snap, click! The ordeal was over… no, wait! I had lowered the camera when I heard the words that every photo taker fears... “one more, just in case” Ken Jessup is a retired lobbyist and an advocate for people with disabilities.


Virginia State Firefighters Association Ken Brown, President , 804.971.7983 Voter Registrars Association of Virginia Allison Robbins, President , 276.328.8331 E ateries Rueger’s Restaurant & Bar 901 Bank Street, Richmond • 804.343.7300 (Inside The Commonwealth) S ervices Gus’s Shoe Repair 528 East Main Street, Richmond • 804.782.6959 H otels Berkeley Hotel (Per diem rates offered, restrictions apply) 804.780.1300 • 1200 East Cary Street, Richmond The Commonwealth (Per diem rates offered, restrictions apply) 804.343.7300 • 901 Bank Street, Richmond Adjacent to General Assembly  Delta Hotels by Marriott Richmond Downtown (Special Session rates available) 804.788.0900 • 555 East Canal Street, Richmond Linden Row Inn (Special Session rates available) 804.225.5841 • 100 East Franklin Street, Richmond


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V irginia C apitol C onnections , W inter 2020


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