VCC Magazine Winter 2018
l Raises teacher pay to reach or exceed the national average, as the General Assembly unanimously voted to do in the 2017 session. l Creates the kinds of supports and work environments that attract and keep high-quality teachers and school personnel. l Fully funds the Standards of Quality to adequately pay for the education of Virginia’s public school students, as the state’s Board of Education has repeatedly requested. l Increases the state’s add-on contribution for at-risk students, which is currently one of the lowest in the country. VEA SUPPORTS LEGISLATION THAT:
VEAWILL INITIATE LEGISLATION TO: l Survey educators state- wide about school climate, using a reliable, national- ly-validated survey. l Implement recommenda- tions from the Commission on Youth’s 2007-2009 study on reducing long- term suspensions and expulsions—recommen- dations that have been ignored for years. VEA OPPOSES LEGISLATION THAT: l Undermines the state Board of Education’s Constitutional authority to define the standards for a high-quality public education in our Commonwealth. l Diverts public dollars to non-public schools. l Transfers authority for granting charter schools away from local school boards. l Damages educators’ health or retirement benefits.
l Puts in place a teacher evaluation model that uses multiple measures, reduces reliance on standardized test scores, and accurately reflects a teacher’s effectiveness. l Implements and funds programs and resources proven to reduce suspen- sions and expulsions. l Eliminates required report- ing of Student Code of
Conduct violations to law enforcement except when a felony is involved.
l Cuts the rate at which we incarcerate our young people and increases funding for restorative justice programs.
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