VCC Magazine Winter 2018
E ach year, Virginia hospitals provide more than $1 Billion in uncompensated care to help the needy and to satisfy unfunded mandates from Washington, all while health care funding is being cut. And each day, Virginia hospitals support our economy and the health needs of countless patients. Hospitals provide thousands of good jobs and great care in our communities, no matter the time, day, or circumstance, treating all people in need. Great Care is Good for Virginia
U ncompensated care ends up costing everyone, including providers such as hospitals and doctors, insurance companies, businesses, taxpayers, and the general public. It is a growing challenge for our health care delivery system. But there is a solution: drawing down federal funds to help the uninsured get coverage. It is a solution supported by most Virginia voters — 83 percent . Support exists among Republicans and Democrats, from Fairfax to Bristol and places in between.
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