VCC Magazine Summer 2017
Be Our Guest — for This Week in Richmond
This Week in Richmond
Nearly 10 years ago James Baum, President and CEO of Blue Ridge PBS, initiated the production of This Week in Richmond . At first it was a weekly show during the time the General Assembly was in session and then monthly the rest of the year. Very soon it became weekly throughout the year and then it was picked up by the PBS stations in Richmond, Norfolk, Charlottesville and Harrisonburg. This Week in Richmond would not be what it is today apart from the great team of professional staffers at Blue Ridge PBS. In addition to serving as host of the shows, I sought the underwriting. Among the wide variety of underwriters, three stand out due to their being supporters from the beginning: Marty Hall, Sandra Davis and Virginia State Firefighters Association. I sincerely thank them along with all those named on the inside front cover of this magazine. As WCVE in Richmond becomes the presenting station, we welcome additional new underwriters. Some are named on page 2 of this issue and these are the others;
In today’s fast-paced, high-tech world, we’re constantly bombarded with media messages everywhere we go. But what ends up passing for news these days is often just a bunch of repetitious soundbites and exaggerated headlines. This Week in Richmond is a public television program that captures first-hand perspectives of state legislators and other decision-makers from around the Capitol. It is hosted by state capitol veteran David Bailey. With This Week in Richmond , viewers get a non-partisan, in- depth look at current events, developments and decisions coming out of the Capitol each week through complete, unedited interviews with the people who are making Virginia‘s government work every day. From budget cuts to regulatory affairs, the program spotlights the latest happenings at the General Assembly while it is in session. During the rest of the year, it provides timely insights and behind- the-headlines analysis about taxes, education and other matters that are critical to people across the Commonwealth. From the leadership in both chambers and the executive branch, to agency heads and cabinet members, to the clerks of both the Senate and the House of Delegates, to current and former governors and first ladies, to Virginia members of Congress, the show has given viewers a chance to hear directly from a wide range of the most influential people behind the scenes. For its guests, the show is an increasingly rare opportunity to expound on the issues that matter to them the most in an easy going and relaxed atmosphere. For viewers, it’s an equally rare opportunity to get a glimpse of the people and personalities behind the positions through complete and unedited conversations. As one viewer said, “The main thing I like about the show is that the host doesn’t constantly interrupt the guest or interject his own ideas about the subject. He lets his guests talk.” Whether you’re a participant or a viewer, you can cut through all the other media noise out there and stay informed each week with a straightforward, detailed report about what’s going on here and now in Virginia’s Capitol. Simply put, you are cordially invited to relax, pull up a chair, and be our guest—for This Week in Richmond .
Continued on next page
WCVE 23.1 (Richmond)—Sunday at 9 a.m. WHTJ 41.1 (Charlottesville)—Sunday at 9 a.m. WVPT (Harrisonburg)—Tuesday at 5 p.m.
WHRO-World (Norfolk)—Tuesday at 5 p.m. • Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Blue Ridge PBS -WBRA (Roanoke, Lynchburg)—Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2:30 p.m. • Tuesday at 7 p.m. Southwest Virginia PTV Monday at 6:30 a.m. & 8:30 p.m. • Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. • Friday at Noon Norfolk’s Neighborhood Network , TV-48—Sunday through Tuesday, 12 noon • Wednesday through Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Weekly show information is on Facebook— THIS WEEK IN RICHMOND Past shows may be found on YouTube.
V irginia C apitol C onnections , S ummer 2017
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