United Way of Southwest Virginia September Newsletter

Virginia’s littlest learners areamong themost affected by the pandemic, but they are strong and resilient, and with access to quality early learning opportunities, we know they can thrive in school and beyond.

-Pamela Northam, First Lady of Virginia

Kindergarten Camps Resilience for our region’s youngest citizens

On April 14, 2021, United Way of Southwest Virginia held a press conference and announced a partnership with Ballad Health to provide funding and coordinated support for up to 30 Kinder Camps classrooms. In attendance were First Lady Pamela Northam, Secretary of Education Atif Qarni, Secretary of Health and Human Resources Daniel Carey, MD, MHCM, Alan Levine, Executive Chairman, President, and CEO of Ballad Health, Travis Staton, President, and CEO of United Way of Southwest Virginia, and Susan Patrick, Ph.D. Director of Childhood Success, United Way of Southwest Virginia. Kinder Camps will provide a jump start for kindergarten students who may have fallen behind due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. “The students who attend kinder camps will have a chance to acclimate to the school environment, learn important social-emotional skills, connect with licensed teachers, and engage in hands-on learning—all skills that will benefit them from kindergarten to graduation,” said Secretary of Education Atif Qarni. “Kinder camps are an important stop- gap measure as Virginia recovers from the pandemic, and we are grateful for Ballad Health and United Way’s commitment to serving young students in this innovative way.”

“These Kinder Camps will be a vital part of the resilience of our region’s youngest citizens,” said Travis Staton, President and CEO of United Way of Southwest Virginia, “Participation in a Kinder Camp will set up our Southwest Virginia students for success and ensure they are on track to excel in school for years to come.”


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