United Through Art and Music


As we approach the two-year mark of war in Ukraine, we honor the enduring strength of the Ukrainians. It is crucial to continue our effort to support those affected by the war while ensuring the victory of Ukraine in its pursuit of freedom and stability. The art auction proceeds will benefit RESTORE UKRAINE. Donations during the event will benefit koloHUB to support children in need, deliver medical aid to Ukrainian paramedics, and provide comprehensive care and shelter for animals.


RESTORE UKRAINE restore-ukraine.org

Restore Ukraine is currently working to provide construction material vouchers to the households that were damaged from air strikes this winter.


In Ukrainian, the word " kolo " means "circle," and symbolize the unity of volunteers committed to the mission of assisting and improving the lives of those affected, both people and animals, amidst the devastation in Ukraine. MARKI LUCKY markilucky.com Marki is a professional violinist, entertainer and music producer with experience of performing in 8 different countries. Originally from Ukraine, he is renowned for his mastery of the violin and magnetic stage presence, 3

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