GENESYS Report Writer Course Dec 2022

Reporting Toolkit Overview

• The reporting toolkit provides includes: • Closed Concerns Reports • Component Hierarchy Report • Cross Reference Matrix Report • Functional Hierarchy Report • Open Concerns Report

• Requirements Hierarchy Report • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Utilize these reports in your own reports!


SDD Report

• Systems Description Document • 3 top level reports • By Component • By Package • By Project • 50 different section reports

• Each section of the SDD as its own report • One section per type of top level report (by component, by package, by project)

• 53 different subreports

• Subreports handle different aspects of the report output for example: • Outputting originating requirements • Outputting Concerns (a section for open and a section for closed • Etc.

The SDD Report is a great resource for how to’s


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