O ur A gents A shley P rimm —276-733-9695 B lake G oad —276-733-7700 R olin M iller —276-728-1349 P aul H anson —276-733-6605 276-728-2596 O ffice 276-728-3596 F ax www . primmrealty . com info @ primmrealty . com
226 West Stuart Drive, Hillsville, VA 24343 C all P rimm R eal E state F irm today !
6 Acres With House
3 BR 2 Bth - Woodlawn
3 Bedroom On 2.48 Acres
3 BR 1.5 Bth - Galax
3 BR 2 Bth - 1.3 Acres
2 Br 1.5 Bth - Hillsville UNDER CONTRACT
3 BR 2 Bth - Convenient UNDER CONTRACT
2 Bedroom - 5.78 Acres UNDER CONTRACT
3 BR, 1.5 BA in Kanawba
3 Bedroom - Galax
3 BR 2 Bth - Hillsville
4 BR 3 BA - Full Basement
3 BR 2 Bth - Nice Shed
4 BR 3 Bth - Upgraded
Doe Run - Great View
3 BR 2 Bth - Wytheville UNDER CONTRACT
4 BR 3 Bth - Very Nice
3 BR 2 Bth - Hillsville
3 BR 2 Bth - 5 Acres
4 BR 2 Bth - Hillsville
3 Br 3 Bth - Basement
2 BR 2 Bth - Hillsville
Immaculate 3 Bedroom
3 BR 3 Bth - 3.7 Acres
2 Br 2 Bth - Nice Cabin
4 BR 2 Bth - 16 Acres UNDER CONTRACT
3 BR 2 Bth - Countrywoods
4 BR 2 Bth - Nice View
2 BR 2 Bth - 7 Acres
3 BR 3 Bth - Golf Course
4 BR 2.5 Bth - 15 Acres UNDER CONTRACT
3 BR 2 Bth - 28 Acres
5 Bedroom 3 Bath - Galax
3 BR 3 Bth On 5 Acres With 700+/- Feet On The Creek!
Waterfront Retreat! Custom 3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath Cabin With Canadian Hemlock Logs on 11.9 Acres With Long Frontage On Burks Fork Creek!
C heck us out on the web at : www . primmrealty . com
Paul Hanson 276-733-6605
Blake Goad 276-733-7700
Rolin Miller 276-728-1349
All information is believed to be correct but cannot be guaranteed. Licensed in Virginia.
Ashley Primm 276-733-9695
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