The Virginia Journal Spring 2017
of abilities and skills essential to effective coaching. The NSCES can help coaches understand their own strengths and weaknesses related to coaching. Also, it can assist administrators of coaching education programs in identifying possible areas where coaches may not be as confident in their abilities and thus require ad- ditional training. Through a thorough three-phase development process, the NSCES was developed, tested, and supported to be a valid and reliable instrument. As with all research, there are limitations to address. First, the sample sizes for both phase II and III were relatively small. Larger samples could allow researchers to evaluate the factorial validity and composite reliability of the NSCES . In addition, in phase II there were fewer female participants than male partici- pants; further efforts to examine commonality should seek out more female participants to prevent any gender bias. Also, the participants in phase II were college-aged individuals with limit- ed coaching experience, and therefore, future analyses to confirm commonality should be done with individuals with more coach- ing experience. In the United States, there has been an increase in coaching education programs over the last decade and many of these pro- grams are based on the 2006 NASPE standards (NASPE, 2008). This current research involved the development of the NSCES as an instrument to measure coaching efficacy related to the Nation- al Coaching Standards for Sport Coaches . Although this study demonstrated that the NSCES is a valid and reliable tool, further research conducted with larger samples, different populations, various sports, and equitable representation from both male and female coaches is recommended. References Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control . New York: Freeman. Bandura, A. (2006). Toward a psychology of human agency. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1 , 164–180. Chelladurai, P., & Saleh, S. D. (1980). Dimensions of leader be- havior in sports: Development of a leadership scale. Journal of Sport Psychology, 2, 34-45. Feltz, D. L., Chase, M. A., Moritz, S. E., & Sullivan, P. J. (1999). A conceptual model of coaching efficacy: Preliminary inves- tigation and instrument development . Journal of Educational Psychology, 91 , 765-776 . doi:10.1037/0022-0663.91.4.765 Feltz, D. L., Short, S. E., & Sullivan, P. J. (2008). Self-efficay in sport: Research and strategies for working with athletes, teams, and coaches. Champaign, IL; Human Kinetics,
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