The Virginia Journal Spring 2017
this community engagement event. For more information about Sportable, go to References Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Burns, M., Storey, K., & Cetro, N.J. (1999). Effect of service learning on attitudes toward students with severe disabilities. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Develop- mental Disabilities, 24 (1), 56-65. Butin, D. (2010). Service-learning in theory and practice . New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Eyler, J.S., & Giles, D. E. (1999). Where’s the learning in service learning? San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Eyler, J. S., Giles, D. E., Stenson, C. M., & Gray, C. J. (2001). At a glance: What we know about the effects of service-learning on college students, faculty, institutions, and communities, 1993–2000: Third Edition. [N.p.]: Corporation for National Service Learn and Serve America National Service Learning Clearinghouse. Gray, M., Ondaage, E., & Zakaras, L. (1999). Combining ser- vice and learning in higher education: Summary report. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Haegele, J.A., Lee, J., & Porretta, D.L. (2015). Research trends in Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly from 2004 to 2013. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 32 (3), 187-205. doi:10.1123/APAQ.2014-0232 Past-President's Message continued from page 3 Institute at James Madison University – kinesiology/hpainstitute/ is scheduled for July 10-12, 2017. This conference offers teachers a wide range of sessions that cross the health and physical education spectrum. Attendees get to see the “best of the best” and get the rare opportunity to “eat, sleep, and live” health and physical education with colleagues from across the commonwealth and country. This amazing conference is a great way to get motivated for a new school year. • 2017 VAHPERD Convention in Roanoke, VA – Our an- nual conference will be at the fantastic Hotel Roanoke in November. This year’s theme, “Every Step Counts” has many meanings that relate to health and physical education teachers. Add November 10-12, 2017 to your calendar and prepare to join us for this amazing professional development opportunity.
Liu, Y., Kudlacek, Y., & Jesina, O. (2010). The influence of Para- lympic School Day on children’s attitudes towards people with disabilities. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucen- sis. Gymnica, 40 (2), 63-69. McKay, C. (2013). Paralympic School Day: A disability aware- ness and education program. Palaestra , 27 (4), 14-19. McKay, C., Block, M.E., & Park, J.Y. (2015). The effect of Para- lympic School Day on attitudes toward inclusion in physical education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 32 (4). 331- 348. Moely, B.E., McFarland, M., Miron, D., Mercer, D., & Illustre, V. (2002). Changes in college students’ attitudes and inten- tions for civic involvement as a function of service learning experiences. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learn- ing, 9 (1), 18-26. Roper, E.A. and Santiago, J.A. (2014). Influence of service learn- ing on kinesiology students’ attitudes toward P-12 students with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 31 (2), 162-180. Simons, L., & Cleary, B. (2006). The influence of service learn- ing on students’ personal and social development. College Teaching, 54 (4), 307-319. Xafopoulos, G., Kudlacek, M., & Evaggelinou, C. (2009). Effect of the intervention program “Paralympic School Day” on atti- tudes of children attending international school towards inclu- sion of students with disabilities. Acta Universitatis Palacki- anae Olomucensis. Gymnica, 39 (4), 63-71.
Please know that your membership in VAHPERD is valued and appreciated. Your thoughts and feedback are very important to us. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me ( I look forward to continuing to work with you and for you!
Chad Triolet 2017 VAHPERD Past-President
PS – A quick “shout out” to all the members of VAHPERD who contributed to the success of the 2016 VAHPERD Convention in Richmond, VA. A successful convention does not happen without a lot of support. Thank you for your support!!
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