The TECHtonic Newsletter Fall 2017
Donald V. Dalton at the Alumni Association Museum mineral exhibit.
Long-time donor and Museum supporter Donald V. Dalton (Geology 1960) returned to campus again October 2017 to work with the Geology Club conduct- ing a fundraiser for the Museum. The GeoFair and Mineral Sale was attended by over 600 people includ- ing 25 teachers and 200 kids! Don started this annual event about 20 years ago with Dr. Susan Eriksson , now retired Director of the Museum. He has continued leading it, building a loyal following in the department and the community. Don has also donated hundreds of beautiful minerals from his personal collection to the Museum, as well as purchasing minerals to enhance the representa- tion of Virginia samples at Virginia Tech. Some exceptional examples from those donations are in a
short-term exhibit at the Alumni Association Museum for Fall 2017 (pictured above). We are happy that Don got a chance to see this during his visit! Other minerals from Don’s donations were used to build a new “Mineral Resources of Virginia” exhibit on permanent display in the Museum in Derring Hall. Undergraduate Thomas Hale (Political Science 2019, Geology Club) developed and curated this exhibit. Geosciences student Alex Bradley (Geosciences 2018) and alumna Emma Tulsky (M.S. Geosciences 2017) also worked on it along with staff and faculty. It is a great resource for K-12 teachers who bring their classes in on field trips. We truly appreciate Don’s commitment to supporting the Museum in such a variety of ways!
Bubbles Matter
Lowell Moore’s paper "Bubbles matter” has been recognized as a highly cited paper by Web of Science. According to WoS, as of May/June 2017, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Geosciences based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.
Moore L, Gazel E, Tuohy R, Lloyd A, Esposito R, Steele-MacInnis M, Hauri E, Wallace P, Plank T & Bodnar RJ (2015) Bubbles matter: An assessment of the contribution of vapor bubbles to melt inclusion volatile budgets. American Mineralogist , 100, 806-823. Link:
Lowell Moore, PhD Student
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