The Red Flannel Rag
drove my brother, John, to the airport to leave for Viet Nam, Dad asked me to drive the
car back home. That was an unusual request because he didn’t really trust my driving.
He got in the back seat. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw him wiping the tears
with his big white handkerchief. He never made a sound.
Dad loved fried potatoes; and, in the same way his daddy, Grandpa Austin, had to
have bird egg beans every meal, Dad had to have fried potatoes every day and twice on
Saturdays. He raised wonderful potatoes in his garden every year.
Dad in his garden hoeing potatoes after a long, hard day of work at th e feed mill
My favorite memories are of him in his potato patch. I think now that the only
real peace Dad had after he returned from the war was when he was in his potato patch.
I have a picture of him hoeing the weeds between the rows. I always wanted my Dad to
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