The Red Flannel Rag
During the week before hog killing day everybody began making last minute
preparations. Mom began to gather the products she had preserved from her summer
garden. She went to the cellar and got cans of sauerkraut, corn, pickled beets, green
beans, dill pickles, and jars of jelly. Other trips to the cellar yielded sweet potatoes,
regular potatoes, and apples. She went to the attic to get “hay” beans. These were
green beans that she had threaded onto a string and hung in the attic to dry. In the
freezer, she located frozen blackberries, cherries, and peaches she had gathered in the
summer. She used the fruit to bake at least sixteen pies on the day before butchering.
This same day she also made two three-layer cakes from scratch, usually a banana cake
and a prune cake.
Mom rushing around to get ready for butchering day
Mom often said, with some dread in her voice as the day for hog killing drew
near, “I’ll have to ‘put the big pot in the little one’.” This statement expressed her
knowledge of the hard work ahead the next day. She was going to use every pot she had
to cook and maybe have to borrow some extra pots from Aunt Goldie.
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