The Red Flannel Rag
Randy Crawford with twice his legal limit of trout.
He taught me to fish the mountain trout streams and to fish for small mouth bass in
the rivers that ran through the farml and. “You can only catch these fish by knowing how to
bait them,” he said as he searched along the riverbank. “Small mouth bass like
hellgrammites, and trout like cheese balls and worms.” Hellgrammites were larvae found
under rocks at the bottom of streams. They were ugly creatures with several legs with
pincers on each side of a jointed body. I was scared of them, so he placed me in the river
with a net tied between two poles while he went upstream about fifteen feet and turned over
rocks and kicked up mud. The hellgrammites floated downstream and caught in the net.
Once we got a dozen or so, we were ready to start fishing. I always asked him to bait my
fishhook when we were using hellgrammites.
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