The Rampage Feb 2024


by Nathan LePere | Graphic Communication • 2024 Trent to Lead BU Worship Activities

B luefield University Student Ministries (BUSM) has a new worship leader. Sophomore Grace Trent has taken on the responsibility of planning and leading the Worship Team and all BU worship activities. Since coming to BU in the fall of 2022, Trent has been actively involved in BUSM, including serving as a singer for the BU Worship Team for chapel and Home services. Now, she said she’s excited about the opportunity to lead all BU worship activities. “I am grateful I am in a position to teach others about the love of God and what true, pure worship is,” Trent said. “I am thankful for the people, such as Mason West and Ana Barros, who saw potential in little old me and thought I would be a good fit for this role.” As part of her new role, Trent leads rehearsals, arranges worship sets, and organizes teams for weekly Home worship services. She’s also involved in BUSM meetings and the planning of all other worship services and activities. In addition, as worship leader, she oversees all prayer gatherings on campus. “I was able to set up and pray over two prayer rooms in (the Dan MacMillan Center) for students to utilize throughout the week,” Trent said. “There will also be weekly prayer gatherings where students can pray over campus, faculty, and other students.” While grateful for the opportunity to lead BU worship, Trent admits she was a bit overwhelmed by the responsibility. “When I first came into this new role, I was very nervous about doing enough or being the best at what I do,” Trent said. “I have come to learn that if I rely on my own strength, knowledge, or what I can do, I am not giving God the credit He is due. I must rely on the Lord to act in humility and humble myself each day, even outside of my role.” Trent added that she would not be able to oversee prayer on campus or lead any worship activity without the strength and peace of Christ. “I am forever blessed and thankful for the impact Student Ministries at Bluefield University has had on my life,” she said, “and I can only hope to be a good steward of Christ Jesus and the Gospel on this campus.”

Photos provided by Rampage student photographer Nathan LePere.

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