The Rampage #4 March 2020


“ “They wanted a video put together telling their story,” DeBerry said. And since that initial video production, the town has asked DeBerry to continue doing promotional work for them. “I am currently working on my senior (video) project, which is going to be a movie and some trailers I want to show around to get some feedback on,” DeBerry said. Titled “Misconception,” his senior film project is about “the struggles of how we see ourselves versus what we portray,” he said. “It is about that dynamic of how you can lose everything or you can never really have anything to begin with.” DeBerry said he has always liked art, but he never wanted to share his works with others. After taking a class in high school, he realized how much he enjoyed using his creativity to help others. “It all started back in high school,” he said. “I took a class kind of thinking like ‘hey, this will kill some time,’ and then I ended up getting into it.”

I then found my relationship with God again,” DeBerry said about his reflection time. “I decided to stick it out here. I was happy I ended up staying, because I got to build relationships. I just wanted to finish what I started here.”

DeBerry said he would like to help others, like small businesses, to better express themselves. In addition to his work with the Town of Bramwell, he has completed graphic design projects for the Bluefield College Advancement Office and plans to stick around after he graduates in May to help whoever he can with their design and creative needs.

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