The Community Foundation of the NRV 2022 2023 Annual Report
Wang Family Fund Provides the June Liang Wang Memorial Scholarship to students from Blacksburg High School who demonstrate the qualities that June Liang Wang instilled in her students including scholastic achievement, community involvement, leadership, and global awareness. Warren Lloyd Holtzman Freedom Scholarship Fund Provides grants to offer opportunity and recognition, to encourage innovation, and to acknowledge distinction by providing scholarships to deserving high school students to pursue higher education. W.F. Teel Scholarship Fund Provides scholarships to students from Auburn High School to attend any two- or four-year college, university, trade, or technical school.
Williamsburg Consort Symphonic Band Scholarship Fund (Darrell & Sally Craig) Provides scholarships to graduates of Floyd County High School who plan to continue their participation in a college or university band or other school-sponsored musical organization at a two- or four year college or university. Eligible students must have participated in band at Floyd County High School. Wings Fund (David & Marilyn Hutchins) Provides scholarships for New River Valley high school graduates and provides support for the development of the CFNRV scholarship program.
Woodrow & Elma Turman Scholarship Fund Provides scholarships for graduating students from Floyd County High School to attend any trade or technical school, college, or university with financial need who have demonstrated the ability and commitment to better themselves by continuing their education. 2023 scholarship recipient and New River Community College student Helen Beavers (right) with her granddaughter, Emily Brown.
Fund Spotlight: The Raymond M. & Edith H. Ingram Scholarship Fund In early 2023, the Trustees of the Raymond M. and Edith H. Ingram Charitable Trust approached the CFNRV about dissolving the Trust and transferring the assets to the CFNRV. In accordance with the Ingrams’ wishes, the Trustees had been awarding scholarships to graduating seniors from Giles County for decades, but the ongoing financial and legal expenses of managing a charitable trust were eating away at the assets over time. The CFNRV manages more than 50 unique scholarship funds and supports more than 80 students from across the New River Valley each year, including several from Giles County. This made the CFNRV the logical place to transfer the assets while honoring the Ingrams’ wishes and legacy over time. The fund will begin awarding scholarships in 2024 through the CFNRV.
Photo courtesy of Wilsie Photography
2022 - 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
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