The Community Foundation of the NRV 2022 2023 Annual Report

Matthew Allen Special Memorial Fund (Katherine Allen)

Supports programs benefitting the social, emotional, and mental health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities through grants to qualified, charitable organizations in the New River Valley. Preference shall be given to those programs or organizations that pursue and/or promote social justice through diverse and inclusive action. Passion to Progress: The Drenan Dudley Endowed Fund (Jack, Larkin, & Drenan Dudley) Builds the capacity of qualified charitable organizations in the New River Valley, their employees, and volunteers to transform a cause or an idea into demonstrable outcomes benefitting the community.

Springhouse, a school in Pilot, Floyd County, is a CFNRV grant recipient and raised more than $100,000 from 397 donors during the 2023 giving day.

Luba Fabrycky Memorial Endowment Fund (Wolter Fabrycky)

Mary Jean & John L. Brown Endowment Supports programs and

Supports general charitable purposes including, but not limited to, programs and activities for the education of children with emphasis on children of disadvantaged families.

organizations serving the New River Valley and working in the fields of health and food assistance.

Fund Spotlight: Luba Fabrycky Memorial Endowment Fund Luba Fabrycky was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1931 and moved to the United States in 1950. She graduated from Wichita State University and worked as a medical technologist in Arkansas and Oklahoma before moving to Blacksburg with her husband, Wolter, and their children in 1965. Luba was an advocate for education, particularly for young children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Following her death in 2007, her family established this memorial fund to support educational programs for preschool and elementary school children. The family set the broad purpose of the fund and asked the CFNRV to choose the specific organizations to support within that purpose. Since 2009, the fund has awarded more than $50,000 in grants to organizations such as the Valley Interfaith Child Care Center, Boys and Girls Club of Southwest Virginia, Head Start, and many more.

Photo courtesy of Springhouse


2022 - 2023 ANNUAL REPORT

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