The Arrow Summer 2021
Each year members of the graduating class are selected as Honor Graduates. These students serve as speakers for the graduation ceremony. Following is the text of their speeches. A Wo d t the Faculty and Staff – Erin Elizabeth Bunn
One week ago, at 3:21 am, I sat awake. I couldn’t sleep, knowing that a week from then, high school would be over, all my friends would move away, either electing to drift apart amicably or staying in touch through odd emails and FaceTime calls. I was thinking, as I often do, about life when the realization hit me--how many times had countless seniors before me experienced the same exact thoughts and emotions. How many last-minute photographs had been taken during the final days on campus? How many tears had been shed, how many panic attacks and celebrations occurred before graduation in the room I was currently in? How many memories lingered in between the crevices, unnoticeable but to the most perceptive of us? Needless to say, the thought was sobering. The question was begging to be answered: what makes us different than any other senior class? COVID? No, every single senior in the world is experiencing the pandemic. Oak Hill? Again no, though I’m not sure that’ll get me any points with the admissions department. The food? Improvements have definitely been made, from Buddha bowls my first year to the best meals served on Parent’s Days, but once more, no. Staff, it is you. Having grown up here my entire life, it may come as a surprise to hear that I have come to hate Oak Hill. Hate in the sense that I will never find another place as beautiful as this. I hate that I will never find a community as loving and encouraging as the Faculty and Staff here. I hate, most of all, that I will have to leave. But I am eager and anxious to embrace a future beyond Oak Hill. I will leave here with the best memories and funniest experiences, and I thank each and every person in attendance today from the depths of my heart for being a part of that. In the same way I know my mom will be crying all day today, I know Rev will leave graduation and shortly thereafter, walk his dog, Gus. In the same way I know my friends MK and Lauren will scream my name when I walk across the stage, I know Ms. Tobin is likely to trip at least twice before making it out of the gym. In the same way I know my family is watching me at home with tears in their eyes, I know those same tears of joy, celebration, and bittersweet sadness rest in the eyes of our Oak Hill family before us. I see you wiping away that tear Coach Hebold. I know Dr. Groves will lightly step on my toes and ask if Andie is bothering me before congratulating me on graduating. Mr. Massey will gather all his English 10 guys for one final picture and Andie will snort during her speech. I know these things because you all have welcomed us into your lives and allowed us the privilege of being a part of them.
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