The Arrow Fall 2023

Doug never imagined that he would end up in the pulpit, but he was a skilled pastor and worked dili gently among the flock of YCBC. His ministry wasn’t confined to the four walls of the church, however, and for many years he led a ministry team that accomplished dozens of home repairs in the communi ty. Among these repairs were many ramps for people with ambulatory challenges. Doug and his “Mac cabean Team” became so skilled at ramp building that sometimes they were done in one Saturday, and he often shared pictures of their work with the congregation the following Sunday. He even carried on a prison ministry until COVID in 2020 and spent countless hours with those behind bars.

Though Doug showed himself adept at pas toring and serving his community, his real passion was teaching, and he excelled at it. Whether it be among his adult Sunday School class (which he credits for helping him grow as a Christian), or a group of restless teenag ers, Doug loved teaching and carved out quite a niche for himself as a classroom instructor. Hundreds of students looked forward to his classes over the years. He taught three differ ent courses - Comparative Religion, the Bible as Literature, and Christian Ethics. The latter of these became an extension of Doug’s life long pursuit of living ethically. His aim was to teach his students how to use their intellect and emotions to discern how to live a good life, and how to live with their decisions, both good and bad. Out of his pursuit of ethical living, the Academy’s recycling program was born and thrives to this day. In 2022, Doug and Ruth’s first grandchild was born. Doug knew then that his retirement would be imminent. He sensed that God

had a new season for him and Ruth. Keeping with his lifelong pattern of following through on what he said, Doug announced in the fall of 2022 that his final sermon at YCBC would be May 27th, 2023. And when that beautiful sunny spring day finally arrived, we were all reminded again, as we had been for 30 years, that we were children of God, loved by God, and made in the image of God. And we were further charged with going forth into the world to reflect that love to so many who need to see it. Doug ended every sermon with that timeless reminder. At Doug’s retirement dinner on campus, Dr. Groves uttered these words: “How does one encapsulate thirty years of service, thirty years of Christian servanthood? What few words would be engraved on their retirement capstone? How about this … Doug and Ruth Turn mire, 1993 - 2023: Neighbors, never shirked a task, changed countless lives, dutiful Christian servants throughout.” Thank you, Doug and Ruth Turnmire, for living your lives with us so openly and faithfully. For teaching us patience and kindness and fortitude. And for making a difference in the lives of the congregants of YCBC and the students and staff of Oak Hill Academy. We couldn’t have asked for a more solid bridge. Godspeed.

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