The Arrow Fall 2023
Sandra Haines Hooks Bill & Linda Huber Walter & Elizabeth (Douglass) Hunting Bob & Sandra Jackson Al Johnson John & Joy Jones Joe Judkins Yves & Francoise Kenfack Donald & Andrea King Norman & Edith King Landon & Meredith Kirk Stephanie Lanier Patrick & Sue Laughran Charles & Maria Linderman Robert & Tracie Logan Cyndy Cahill LoMonaco Paul & Carol Long Peter & Kathleen Matthews Robert & Janice McGarvey Russell Miller Bill Minson Randy & Laura Moorhead Margaret Anderson Morris Alan & Glenna (Halsey) Morton Richard & Stephenie Mueller Wanda Nivens Lila Noonkester Larry Owens John & Val Parsons Shirley Perkins Damerick Perry Zane & Laura Phipps Debra Plaza Ward & Shannon Preston Thomas & Eva Riddles Brian Rosefield Richard & Joyce Rouse Jackie Rustigian Bill Sebastian Susan Wudijono Setiawan Michelle Bailey Shaw Dino & Marcela Siervo Cheslie Smith Stuart & Susan Smith Tom & Linda Smith Frank & Judith Spaeth Yerrick & Chelsi Stoneman Eric & Amy Teal US Bank Foundation Millie Wingate Harold Woods Norris Woody GIFTS IN KIND Albert Adom & Kersti Krepp Anonymous Barter Theater Tim Bassett Tim & Magda Breen Joe Bunn Conncert Music Chris & Lynn Connors Brian & Ingrid D’Ornellas Scott & Julie Elliott Anthony & Aggie Falcone Governors Club John Hassell Seth Hendler-Voss Taylor & Celia Vaughan James & Sheryl Vinson John & Nila (Stevens) Wehrenberg Jerry & Jackie Wells Susan Widener Robert & Anne Wilson Jean Lindsey Sarah Lofton
Henry & Presnell Properties Shelloy Kiger Wayne & Denia Landsman Mangum-Cater on Main Brian & Vicki Murray Malika Omrani Perry’s Gold Mine
In Memory of J. Ralph Noonkester – Class of 1940 – and Naomi Noonkester Lila Noonkester In Memory of Jewell Ford Patton Ed & Carolyn Patton In Memory of Jim Perkins Shirley Perkins In Memory of Elizabeth Evans Phipps David & Sandy Phipps In Memory of Marc Simon – Former Student Randy Berry In Memory of Ernie Surles – Class of 1963 Carole Loos In Memory of James Tobin Michael & Joy Groves In Memory of Randye Tucker – Class of 1972 John Hassell In Memory of Ted Ussery – Class of 1960 In Memory of John Vaughan Anne Vaughan In Memory of Susan Worsham Vick – Class of 1964 Birtt & Jo Culpepper GIFTS GIVEN IN HONOR OF: In Honor of Kim Baughman Otis & Mary Reamy In Honor of the Class of 1971 Diann Cramer Butler In Honor of Dion Dacons – Class of 2003 Ward & Shannon Preston In Honor of John Duvall Otis & Mary Reamy In Honor of Sallie Gregory – Class of 1969 Ed & Carolyn Patton In Honor of Joy Groves Susan Widener In Honor of Michael & Joy Groves Jean Cunningham Aaron Groves Ramona O’Bryant Otis & Mary Reamy In Honor of Alec Hilliard – Class of 2001 David & Andrea Hilliard In Honor of Sue Laughran Diann Cramer Butler In Honor of Bryan Meagher Ward & Shannon Preston In Honor of Ed & Carolyn Patton Stephanie Lanier Mary & Otis Reamy In Honor of Ramsey Riddles – Class of 2020 Thomas & Eva Riddles Jeannette Cameron Otis & Mary Reamy
Pretty N’ Pearls Camille Pendse Ramblin Poppy The Tavern Restaurant
Vincent Ranhorn River House Inn Jamie & Dylan Samide David Scribner & Valerie Green State Line Outpost & Grub Alton Vick Kym Walker Dan West Scott & Michelle Whitaker
GIFTS GIVEN IN MEMORY OF: In Memory of Elizabeth Leech Bailey Darryl & Kathy Lundgren In Memory of Abby Blair – Class of 2017
B & H Heating and Air Brandon & Suzi Blair Doris Blair CAWWB In Memory of Mary Wiser Fisher John Hassell In Memory of Mastern Fuller Michael & Joy Groves In Memory of JP Hall Michael & Joy Groves In Memory of Clara Hart Michael & Joy Groves In Memory of Doug Hawks Janice Hawks In Memory of Michael Howe John Hassell In Memory of Linda Isner Joe Vanderdys In Memory of Nancy Brown Jackson – Class of 1957 Michael & Joy Groves Bill Jackson In Memory of HV Lindsey Jean Lindsey In Memory of Jim Lofton – Class of 1961 Sarah Lofton In Memory of Jackson Glenn Morton Alan & Glenna Morton In Memory of Dolores Austin Moser – 1940’s student Monica Cooper In Memory of Rachel Muenzenmayer – Class of 1986 Russell Miller Rebecca Muenzenmayer In Memory of Craig Murray – Class of 2012 John Gill Brian & Vicki Murray Debra Plaza
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