Student Handbook 2018-2019
Section 5: Lockers/Parking/Searches LOCKERS
Lockers are assigned to individual students, but lockers remain the property of the school division. Students damaging lockers will receive disciplinary action and will be required to pay for damages. Nothing can be on the outside of lockers. Routine locker inspections may be performed in order to ensure proper maintenance. Locks can be rented for $1.00 upon student request. Only school-supplied locks are permitted. Students will be charged if the locks are not returned at the end of the school year. Each student has the responsibility to secure his/her locker and to not provide the combination to any other students. Students are expected to clean out their locker at the end of the year. IMS is not responsible for any lost or stolen property. STUDENT VALUABLES Students are advised not to keep money or valuables in lockers. Locks are available for $1.00 in the assistant principal’s office. IMS is not responsible for lost or stolen money or valuables although every possible effort will be made to recover the property. To maintain order and discipline in schools and to protect the safety and welfare of students and personnel, school authorities may search students, student lockers or student automobiles under the circumstances outlined below and may seize illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered in the search. A student’s failure to permit searches and seizures as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action. Personal Searches A student’s person and/or personal effects may be searched whenever a school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials. If a pat down search of a student’s person is conducted, it will be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex and with an adult witness present, when feasible. If extreme emergency conditions require a more intrusive search of a student’s person, such a search may only be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex, with an adult witness of the same sex present, and approval of the Superintendent or his designee, unless the health or safety of students will be endangered by the delay, which might be caused by following these procedures. Locker Searches Student lockers are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their lockers. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for any reason at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. SCHOOL SEARCHES School Search and Seizure
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