Student Handbook 2018-19

6. Students that miss more than ten (10) days unexcused can be referred to the Carroll County Court Services Unit by the truancy officer. 7. By Virginia Standards of Accreditation, more than 18 absences for any reason results in students being considered chronically absent. B. Partial Day Absences 1. Tardy with Reason: Late arrival at the start of the school day or returning back to school following an appointment or other obligation with professional documentation accounting for time missed. Classified as excused. 2. Tardy: Late arrival to school or assigned classroom or learning location without professional documentation accounting for the missed time. Classified as unexcused. Only 10 tardies in a school year are permitted. 3. Early Dismissal with Reason: Early departure from school with professional documentation accounting for time missed. Classified as excused. 4. Early Dismissal: Early departure from school without professional documentation accounting for the time missed. Classified as unexcused. Only 10 occurrences in a school year are permitted. 5. Skipping: Not reporting to school, failure to attend class while at school (in excess of 5 minutes late) or leaving school without following early dismissal procedures. 6. See disposition chart on page 42. *Please see “Warning Signs of Concern in Students Who Are Frequently Absent or Tardy” available from the School Social Worker. C. Academic credit: The system wide policy regarding the monitoring of student absences on a regular daily schedule or on a block schedule in relation to withholding credit shall be as follows: 1. Regular daily schedule (Grades K-7): After more than twenty days of absence, students will not receive academic credit for the year. 2. Block schedule (Grades 8-12): After more than eight class periods of absence, students will not receive academic credit for that course during the semester. D. Report for Suspension of Driver’s License: If a student who is under 18 years of age has 10 or more unexcused absences from school on consecutive school days, the principal may notify the juvenile and domestic relations court, which may take action to suspend the student’s driver’s license. The following steps should be followed when a student is absent: 1. Parent/guardian will call the school during the morning on the day of absence. 2. Parent/guardian will write an excuse giving the student's name, day(s) of absence and reason for absence to be presented upon arrival on the day of return to school. 3. Excused absences shall include: a. Notes from doctor, dentist, or counselor: must include time and date of visit b. Court note c. Funeral note IV. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities A.

d. Carroll County Public Schools respects the periodic need for a student to be absent due to an illness where the parent decides the student does not need to go to the doctor or for an absence that is due to an issue that is out of the control of the parent(s) or guardian(s). When properly communicated with the student’s school, these absences would be accepted as un undocumented excused absence . Elementary, Middle, and High School students are allowed to accumulate five (5) undocumented excused absences. Additional undocumented excused absences will not be accepted and will be viewed as unexcused absences.


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