2017-2018 Student Handbook
A. Definition: Any beeper, cellular telephone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or other communication devices, i.e. laptops, IPods, Ereaders, Ipads, hand-held gaming devices, CD players or recording devices. B. General: Electronic communication devices are not allowed to be used on school grounds from the moment a student arrives on School Board property until dismissal of the school day. Exceptions to the use of communication devices would be approval by school administration or its designees for educational learning activities and/or emergencies. Otherwise, cell phones are to be off and put away during instructional time. When riding to and from after school activities or field trips on school buses, or during approved downtime activities, students may use cellular phones or other electronic devices only with the permission of the attending coach, faculty sponsor, or school chaperone : this includes supervised non-teaching activities or duties like lunchtime and classroom down-time. C. Students are not allowed to use electronic devices to photo unapproved activities, personnel, and/or students. D. Disposition:
First Offense 1.
Confiscate cell phone or electronic device
2. 3. 4. 5.
Student conference Parent contact
Teacher return cell phone to student at the end of class Document with a referral to school administration
Second Offense 1.
Confiscate cell phone or electronic device
2. 3. 4.
Student conference Parent contact
Teacher return cell phone to student at the end of the school day 5. Up to 2 days Student Responsibility Center or out-of-school suspension
Third Offense 1.
Confiscate cell phone or electronic device
2. 3. 4.
Student conference Parent contact
Return cell phone to parent
5. Up to 3 days Student Responsibility Center or out-of-school suspension
Fourth Offense 1.
Confiscate cell phone or electronic device
2. 3. 4.
Student conference Parent conference
Return cell phone to parent
5. Up to 5 days Student Responsibility Center or out-of-school suspension 6. Recommend to superintendent to ban possession of cell phone or electronic device on school property.
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