2017-2018 Student Handbook
reviewed by this committee. Members of the committee shall consider all aspects of the student’s physical, emotional, social, and academic progress. Emphasis will be placed on the student’s mastery of the Standards of Learning for the current grade level and his/her report card grades before making the decision to promote the student. Parents of students for whom promotion is questioned will receive written notification. Summer school may be a required intervention strategy. Students who have been “Retained” will also be required to attend summer school. The Student Assistance Team will review the progress of each summer school participant to determine the student’s grade placement for the next year. After the fourth grading period each building level administrator shall notify, in writing, the parents of all students who may not be recommended for promotion. Minutes of the Student Assistance Team will be placed in the student’s cumulative folder. Parents may request that the Superintendent or his/her designee review the decision of the building level Student Assistance Team. This request must be made in writing by June 30 of that year. The following factors are to be considered in making a decision to promote a student to the next grade level: Satisfactory performance on SOL objectives as reflected on the report card grades; Instructional program and intervention strategies offered the student prior to the year’s completion; Out of school factors influencing the student’s performance; Student’s ability; Age, physical size, previous retentions, attendance; Results of the Standards of Learning Tests; Willingness and cooperation of parents to work with the school system in ensuring the best instructional program for the student; Participation and cooperation of student in intervention opportunities. NOTE: If a student has been retained, alternative instructional strategies will be used as opposed to repetition of previous work. Grades 9-12: (IKFD) In grades 9–12, students will be classified in grades according to a combination of units of credits earned and verified credits in their Program of Studies at each grade level. Promotion to the next grade level will occur according to the following: Ninth Grade - To be promoted to the ninth grade a student must pass six (6) classes during their eighth grade year and must pass the English and math course in which they are enrolled or pass the Standard of Learning test associated with that course. Students who fail the SOL test in English or math will be required to participate in remediation either during summer school or during the subsequent school year. This policy reflects the Student Achievement Expectations of the SOA 8 VAC 20-131-30 Section B.
Tenth Grade -
Students should have earned six (6) units of credit with at least one verified credit.
Eleventh Grade -
Students must have earned twelve (12) units of credit and three (3) verified credits.
Twelfth Grade -
Students must have earned nineteen (19) units of credit with at least five (5) SOL credits and has the potential to graduate at the end of the regular school year.
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