2017-2018 Student Handbook
5) Courses to satisfy this requirement MUST include at least two sequential electives. Electives can be taken from an approved career and technical program that may lead to a career and technical completer certificate. An additional mathematics course is strongly recommended. 6) Personal Finance and Economics is mandatory for all diploma types beginning with the graduating class of 2014-2015. 7) A student may utilize additional tests for earning verified credit in computer science, technology, career and technical education, economics, or other SOL tests as prescribed in board regulation 8 VAC 20-131-110. Students who complete a career and technical education program sequence and pass an examination or occupational competency assessment in a career and technical education field that confers certification or an occupational competency credential from a recognized industry, or trade or professional association or acquires a professional license in a career and technical education field from the Commonwealth of Virginia may substitute the certification, competency credential, or license for (1) the student selected verified credit and (2) either a science or history or social science verified credit when the certification, license, or credential confers more than one verified credit. The examination or occupational competency assessment must be approved by the Board of Education as an additional test to verify student achievement. 8) A student must earn a board-approved career and technical education credential to graduate with a Standard Diploma, beginning with students entering ninth grade for the first time in 2013-2014, graduating class of 2016-2017. 9) A student must successfully complete one virtual course, which may be non-credit bearing, to graduate with either a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma, beginning with students entering ninth grade for the first time in 2013-2014, graduating class of 2016-2017. Advanced Studies Diploma 26 Credit Option The Advanced Studies Diploma is a college preparatory program designed for those students who will continue their education after high school. To receive this diploma, a student must earn nine verified credits as indicated for subjects listed below. A verified credit is awarded if a student, following successful completion of course requirements, achieves a passing score on an end-of-course SOL test. Any student who does not pass the Standards of Learning test for a content area may be required to take a review/intervention class that emphasizes the SOL content area. 10 Program Requirements Subject Credit Verified Credit Requirements Requirements Requirements English 4 2 Mathematics 1 4 2 Laboratory Science 2 4 2 History & Social Science 3 4 2 Foreign Language 4 3 Health & Physical Education 2 Fine Arts or Practical Arts 5 1 Electives 2 Additional requirements From core areas 6 1 Personal Finance and Economics 7 1 Student Selected Test 8 1 Total Credits 26 9 1) Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall be selections from among Algebra I, Algebra, Functions and Data Analysis, Geometry, Algebra II or other mathematics courses above the level of Algebra and Geometry. Beginning with the 9 th grade class of 2010-2011 only one unit of credit each may be used to satisfy the mathematics graduation requirements by completing Algebra I or Geometry. 2) Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include Earth Science, Biology and one chosen from Chemistry or Physics. The fourth can be from the Earth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry or Physics. 10) The Board of Education has approved Guidelines for Standard Diploma Credit Accommodations for Students with Disabilities to provide alternatives for these students in meeting the requirements for a Standard Diploma.
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