2017-2018 Student Handbook
1. The Coordinator of Alternative Education and Student Attendance Services shall contact the parent/guardian of the student to be readmitted. 2. The parent/guardian of the student shall send a letter to the Division Superintendent requesting for their child to be reinstated into the school system. This letter of request may have attached to it any letters in support of the student which reflect his/her activities during the time when he/she was absent from the regular school program. 3. The Division Superintendent shall acknowledge the request for readmission. He may consider the option of consulting with his staff about the student’s performance and/or set-up a Readmission Panel Hearing to review the student’s reinstatement. 4. If the Division Superintendent requests a Readmission Panel Hearing then the student shall be accompanied by a parent or guardian to this meeting of three administrators who will conduct the Readmission Panel Hearing. After the presentation of information by the student, parent/guardian, and other concerned adults and school personnel, the Readmission Panel shall make a recommendation to the Division Superintendent. 5. Upon review of the Readmission Request and/or Readmission Panel recommendation, the Division Superintendent may readmit the student or refer the recommendation to the School Board for their review and action. A letter of readmission/non-readmission shall be forwarded then to the parent/guardian of the student. 6. The student, who is readmitted into the school system, will be a student in good standing unless the School Board requires that the student be readmitted with conditions. The student will be responsible for his/her behavior in accordance with the Carroll County Student Handbook. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Carroll County students will be required to complete a Program of Study. The various Programs of Study presented in this document reflect graduation requirements as outlined by the Virginia State Board of Education and Carroll County School Board. Successful completion of a prescribed program will serve as criteria for receiving a diploma from the State of Virginia. The diploma options offered in Carroll County are designed to meet the educational and developmental needs of students with a diversity of interests and abilities. A student begins his/her Program of Study in the 8th grade. Successful completion of 8th grade subjects count toward promotion to grade 9, and in some cases, earn units of credit that meet diploma requirements. Required courses in the 8 th grade include: English 8 Mathematics (Sequence of *Algebra if recommended by teacher and Guidance Counselor) Physical Science Health & Physical Education World History I* Elective choices in the 8 th grade may include the following, based on sufficient enrollment and budget: Foreign Language I Technology Foundations/Office Apps Art I Technology of Robotic Design Chorus 8 Mass Media 8 Band 8 MS Exploratory Dramatics Agriscience & Technology Family & Consumer Science Exploratory III * Students earn high school credit toward diploma requirements when they have successfully completed the course.
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