Student Handbook 2016

regulations or policies. Such regulations may include, without limitation, residence policies or the housing contract, or food service policies. • the unauthorized entry or use of College facilities or premises. Copying keys, unauthorized possession or use of copied master keys is prohibited • activity that annoys, disturbs, or otherwise prevents the orderly conduct of the residence halls, dining areas, activities, administration, or classes of Bluefield College, including but not limited to Residence Hall Quiet Hour policies. Off campus incidents involving Bluefield College students – Bluefield College reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community and the students who compose it. It may become necessary for the College to take appropriate actions as a result of student incidents off campus that affect the ability for students to function well in the College community, at College sponsored events, in the classroom, or that are in direct conflict with the unique mission of the College. Disciplinary Program An in-depth Discipline Guide detailing the judicial process at Bluefield College is available from the Office of Student Development. Amnesty policy – students who are struggling with issues that violate the community living standards are encouraged to seek support and help. Issues may include pregnancy, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sexual relationships and homosexual tendencies. We realize that college students may struggle with these issues and may be fearful of asking for help because of the potential consequences. To meet that need Bluefield College has established an Amnesty Policy. This policy allows students that want to receive help and support to work through these issues prior to disciplinary action, and also be held accountable for such behaviors without going through the discipline process. Students will be asked to abstain from the behavior and to sign a behavior contract. Amnesty request may be obtained in the office of Student Development or from the campus minister. Requests must be submitted before any disciplinary action takes place. The disciplinary conference - is an informal, non-adversarial, and conversational meeting between a student and a Student Development staff member. The purpose of the meeting is to examine the complaint, listen to the student, discuss circumstances regarding the incident, and hear student concerns. There are no formal charges prior to the conference. The disciplinary conference usually results in an agreement on the level of responsibility (the “charges”) and the type of action (sanction, educational program, or activity) that would match the level of responsibility. Most conferences do not deal with the contested facts and will usually be resolved at the first meeting. However, the student may have an additional three (3) working days if he/she is unsure regarding choices. The student is encouraged to seek the assistance of an advisor if he/she wishes. In some situations, the student may wish to have statements submitted or additional investigations may be needed to clarify the behavior or circumstances surrounding the complaint. When a student leaves a conference, he/she may request a copy of the original complaint, a written description of the charges, and an explanation of sanctions or other methods of resolution. If the case has been resolved, the student will receive a copy of the disposition and copies of any contracts or referral appointments. Any resolution of a Disciplinary


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