Strategic Plan 2018-2020
Key Initiative 1: Quality Big Brothers Big Sisters tracks metrics and outcomes for each Big/Little match in order to ensure that we are providing high-quality service. In the next three years, our goal is to tighten up our processes for tracking quality and consistently be placed in the top 15% of Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates across the nation. 12 Month Retention Rate Retention of matches for at least 12 months is essential to Big Brothers Big Sisters’ goal of positive outcomes for every youth served. High retention rate demonstrates a commitment to our mission to truly provide our youth who are facing adversity with the caring support of an adult in a stable, long-term relationship. The 12 Month Retention Rate measures the percentage of matches that last for 12 months or more each year. Goal for Community Based: 73.6% | Goal for Site Based: 52.3% Match Support Contacts Match Support contacts are key to effectively supporting matches. Match Support Specialists con- tact each Big, Little, and Parent in the program monthly in their first year of being matched and quarterly for each subsequent match year. Contacts must be conducted by professional staff and must be thorough, engaging, and on-time according to the agency’s schedule. The Match Support metric measures the percentage of match support contacts completed in one year. Goal: 90% of Match Support Contacts Completed Quality Assurance Ratings Each month, match files are pulled randomly and rated based on the quality with which profes- sional staff has served the match. Quality Assurance evaluates each file on the enrollment process, match support, and child safety measures. Staff members responsible for the match are rated on a 0-5 scale, 0 being unsatisfactory and 5 being exceptional, based on the results of their evaluation.
Goal: Annual Average of 4 or Higher
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