Strategic Plan 2018-2020
Key Initiative 4: Premier Mentoring Organization What does it mean to be the Premier Mentoring Organization? It means that Big Brothers Big Sisters is seen as the expert in mentoring and youth development. Our quality programming, training, and financial stability create the foundation from which we shape our messaging and reputation in the community. Communication The Big Brothers Big Sisters service delivery model is complex; communcating it effectively can be a challenge. We will strategically develop clear messaging around every part of the BBBS business, from service delivery model to funding opportunities. Communicating accurate and engaging in- formation about the agency is essential to the community having a clear understanding of what we do and how we do it. Goal 1: 100% of Board and Staff are trained on branding and communications within 90 days of onboarding. Goal 2: 100% of communication tools are successfully in place. Community Relationships A second component of this initiative involves Big Brothers Big Sisters developing strong commu- nity relationships that reinforce our mission and commitment to one-to-one mentoring. We will be more effective in spreading our message through strong, beneficial relationships with key orga- nizations, influencers, and institutions. As a result, we will better serve children facing adversity in Southwest Virginia. Advocacy Each year, we have more than 1,000 individuals who interact with our agency. Whether they are staff, volunteers, Bigs, Littles, parents, board members, donors, or event attendees, our goal is for each individual to be prepared to advocate on behalf of our program. Consistent communication and stewarding relationships will create an army of advocates who care deeply about our mentor- ing program and the children we serve. Goal: Identify and cultivate 3 strong partnerships that empower our mission. Goal 1: 80% of program participants (Bigs, Littles, Parents, event volunteers, etc.) are trained to be advocates. Goal 2: 100% of Board Members actively advocate for our agency.
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