Spring Commencement 2023



Ms. Alandra Blume University Accompanist, Piano

* Processional

“Pomp and Circumstance”

Ms. Alandra Blume

Sir Edward Elgar

* Invocation

Mr. Charles Reese Professor of Theatre

*Scripture Reading

Dr. Irene Rieger Associate Professor of English

Welcome and Introductions

Dr. David W. Olive President

Greetings from the Board of Trustees

Mr. C. Todd Asbury Chair, Board of Trustees

Special Music

“The Prayer”

Variations Chorale Members

by Carole Sager and David Foster

led by Dr. Mark Milberger Assistant Professor of Music and Worship Arts

Ms. Jordan Stadvec, Soloist Adjunct Vocal Instructor Ms. Alandra Blume, Accompanist

Student Graduate Addresses College of Arts and Letters

Ms. Hannah Thacker Ms. Hannah Ingo

School of Education and Social Sciences

*Commencement Hymn

“To God Be the Glory”

led by Dr. Mark Milberger Assistant Professor of Music and Worship Arts Ms. Alandra Blume, Accompanist Mr. Travis Staton President and CEO United Way of Southwest Virginia Dr. Michael Salmeier Provost and Chief Academic Officer Ms. Rebecca McCoy-Reese Assistant Professor of Theatre


Commencement Address

Presentation of Graduates

Conferral of Degrees

Dr. David W. Olive

Alumni Induction

Mrs. Sara Rutherford, Class of 1996 President, Alumni Association Board of Directors


*Alma Mater

led by Dr. Mark Milberger Ms. Alandra Blume, Accompanist Dr. Lewis Buterakos Associate Professor of Mathematics

* Benediction

* † Recessional

“Triumphal March” by Alfred Hollins

Ms. Alandra Blume

*Please stand * † Please remain standing at your seat until after the recessional

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