Spring 2021 Bluefield College Commencement Program
Mrs. Alandra Blume Hinkle Collaborative Pianist
Processional Pomp and Circumstance Sir Edward Elgar Invocation
Dr. Lewis O. Brogdon Associate Professor of Christian Studies Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Scripture Reading
Dr. Kimberly P. Farmer Professor and Dean of the School of Criminal Justice
Welcome and Introductions
Dr. David W. Olive President
Greetings from the Board of Trustees
Mr. John Beckett Board of Trustees
Variations Chamber Singers I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Dr. John-Scott Moir Director Assistant Professor of Music
All the Way My Savior Leads Me Ahnfelt/McDonald
Student Graduate Addresses Caudill School of Business Caudill School of Business
Michael Hanniel Gutu Corey Edward Mullins
Commencement Hymn Holy, Holy, Holy
led by Dr. John-Scott Moir
Commencement Address
Reverend Garry D. Moore
Presentation of Graduates
Dr. Marshall E. Flowers, Jr. Vice President for Academic Affairs Rebecca McCoy-Reese Assistant Professor of Theatre
Conferral of Degrees
Dr. David W. Olive
Alumni Induction
Mr. Zachary B. Smith, Esq. ‘08 President, Alumni Association Board of Directors
Alma Mater
led by Dr. John-Scott Moir Mrs. Alandra Blume Hinkle
Dr. Charles T. Priest Associate Professor and Department Chair, Music
† Recessional
Triumphal March for Tarpeja Ludwig van Beethoven
* *
Please stand †Please remain standing at your seat until after the Recessional.
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