Spire Spring 2017
Always Believe camps for at-risk youth offer lessons in more than just basketball. The clinics teach kids essential life lessons about character, leadership, and team building.
After Bluefield, Schalles worked as a general manager for Chick-fil-A for 11 years, where he said he was taught to be a steward in the restaurant business and developed an even greater appreciation for the idea of giving back to the community. He later worked as an operations specialist for Kentucky Fried Chicken and YUM Brands, where he assisted in training and conducting corporate inspections. Today, he’s a customer experience manager for Wendy’s, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he said he’s grown to embrace the five core values of the company that founder Dave Thomas used as the foundation of their culture: “Quality is our recipe, just be nice, always do the right thing, profit is not a dirty word, and give something back to the communities that take care of us.” “Dave founded Wendy’s with messages about quality and respect, and they continue to shape me as a professional and individual each day,” said Schalles. “Since working at Wendy’s
I have learned and adhere to Dave’s motto of ‘support the community that supports you as it makes good business sense, and it’s also the right thing to do.’” And for doing the right thing, giving back to his community and transforming the world, Schalles was recently recognized as a Community Ambassador by Wendy’s. Each year, as part of its Community Ambassador Grant Program, Wendy’s selects 10 exemplary employees from across the company family to receive the distinction in honor of their “extraordinary community service efforts.” Schalles was among the most recent group recognized for going “above and beyond in their efforts to better their communities.” Schalles is in his fifth year with Wendy’s and fourth year with Always Believe. He and his wife, Lindsay, have a daughter, Kenna Claire.
Story by BC student marketing associate Whitney Browning.
Developing servant leaders
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