Spire Spring 2017
college news
Students are enjoying new classroom designs and technology improvements in Lansdell Hall and the Science Center. Two Lansdell classrooms were updated with SMART Board technology, including LED SMART Boards and mini computers that allow contributions from anywhere on any device further increasing interaction between students and teachers. In the Science Center (pictured), biology students are benefitting from the purchase of new microscopes, a digital camera for one of the scopes, and a flat panel screen to go with the camera to enhance the teaching and learning experience. The digital camera also allows students to take high definition pictures of microorganisms. Read more at bluefield.edu/classroomtech .
Continuing to expand its academic offerings to meet the needs of students, Bluefield College launched a new online master’s degree program in nursing (MSN) in January. The new MSN comes just five years after the college began a bachelor’s degree program in nursing (RN-to-BSN) and features concentrations in family nurse practitioner and leadership/education. Created for working registered nurses, the program is predominantly online with limited on campus study and time in a state-of-the- art simulation center at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg through a partnership with the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine. Learn more about the MSN at bluefield.edu/msn .
In December 2016, Bluefield College’s Teacher Education Program received reaccreditation for seven years from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The CAEP accreditation is based on the quality principles of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC), which supports the preparation of competent, caring and qualified professional educators through an evidence-based accreditation process. This academic year, BC graduated six competent, caring student-teachers in the fall and eight (pictured) in the spring. Read more about the reaffirmation of accreditation at bluefield.edu/caep .
One hundred eleven Bluefield College seniors received diplomas during the school’s 25th Annual Winter Commencement, December 10, including distinguished graduates John Crowder, an online criminal justice student from Christiansburg, Virginia, and Abigayle Peck, a traditional teacher education student from Jacksonville, North Carolina, who spoke on behalf of the class of 2016. The program also featured a keynote address from President David Olive who was honored with the dedication of a new ceremonial mace for his 10 years of service to BC. For complete coverage of Winter Commencement, including dozens of photos and a list of graduates, visit bluefield.edu/winter16grads .
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